Background space wasteless

Discover how Edeka Germany reduced
40% of their fresh meat shrinkage
with Wasteless' Dynamic Pricing technology.

What is Wasteless?

A solution to easily discount
fresh products depending on
instant waste risk

Printed multi-period discounts,
cutting down >50% markdown costs

Pricing Engine continually learns using artificial intelligence, taking into account
supply, demand, sales, waste, shelf status, discounts, and more

Consumers can consciously decide to choose a product with a shorter shelf life while the retailer protects sales margins

How does it work?

Proven results

with only 10 min/day of employee time


shrinkage improvement




Average discount applied

Real time Engagement with customers

Boosting sustainability and innovation image of the store

Wasteless Package

Mobile App with Pricing Engine
Portable Mobile
printed labels
Live Dashboads
with weekly reports
In-store Marketing tools for added customer engagement
Staff training and 24/7 support

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